National Services Map
Guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications.
It may be useful to understand what the government considers to be the state of affairs in particular countries and for the person who is seeking asylum/right to remain to be able to draft their case knowing this information. This website gives country policies and guidance notes on different areas from domestic violence to gender issues and the home office stance in relation to immigration.
Asylos provides services free of charge to lawyers and caseworkers around the world assisting asylum seekers through their legal procedures. We produce case-based and broader country-of-origin information (COI) research reports which lawyers and caseworkers can use to support a variety of protection-based claims in court. Our reports can be used to inform your argument, or submit in whole or in part to a tribunal or appeals committee.
The Age Dispute Project aims to help unaccompanied children who have been disputed as being over 18.
If the person you are visiting is an EU or EEA National and cannot access the legal aid in the centre, it would be worth referring them to Aire.
This area is increasingly complex and ever changing.
UNSEEN – the UK Modern Slavery Helpline makes decisions on a case by case basis. Confidential.
Cards in various languages in this pack and on our website Volunteer Resources.
08000 121 700
If you are concerned that the person you are visiting is a victim of trafficking or modern day slavery, please give them Unseen’s phone number and or Migrant Helps number and contact us in the office. We may then signpost them to Well-Being to make a referral to the NRM, or look at other support avenues for the person that would be more suitable. See referral sheet for details.
ATLEU – a legal firm that provide legal aid immigration support and advice to those working with victim of trafficking and modern day slavery.
To refer someone please go to this page:
Referrals are reviewed on a Thursday. If the referral is very urgent please call 0207 700 7311.
Advice line for those working with victims, please email:
Advice to victims on their immigration status and assisting them to apply for asylum or other forms of lawful residence; securing appropriate and safe accommodation, financial support and treatment from local authorities, the Home Office or other statutory bodies; and obtaining compensation from their traffickers or the state.
UKLGIG support LGBTQ+ people in detention as well as outside. They have trained listeners and caseworkers, as well as a legal team whose expertise is in supporting LGBTQ+ people’s rights. They are a very small team of 2 people, so encourage people to keep trying if they don’t get through the first time.
Supporting people to find their family members, either in the UK or at home.
Medical Justice
*Online referral system
*0207 561 7498
Lisa, case manager for YW
MJ works to help people whose health is being negatively impacted by being in detention. They also work with survivors of torture. They have a small team of doctors who will do a thorough medical report and a small legal team to help challenge HO decisions around keeping people detained.
CAFPH Centre for All Families Positive Health
Tel: 01582 726061
Public address
11-15 Park Street West, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3JU
CAFPH provides culturally sensitive and appropriate support around health and well-being, HIV/AIDS support in detention through a referral.
In the community they work with children and young people at risk of social exclusion, low education attainment and anti-social behaviour, trafficking, sexual exploitation, employment and skills building, entrepreneurship, family support and working to reduce isolation and loneliness for the BAME.
ACCM: Agency for Culture and Change Management
01234 356910
Based in Bedfordshire, they support girls and women victims of illegal, harmful traditional practices, including FGM.
IMB (Independent Monitoring Board)
*unrestricted access to YWIRC 24/7
*IMB post boxes throughout centre for complaints to be posted, including in visitor centre
Please contact Beyond Detention staff for direct phone contacts
Usually very quick at responding to all complaints within the centre. Will look into issues around food, health care, property etc, and more serious issues around bullying, aggression from staff and death in IRCs.
Complaint forms available throughout centre and in visits room. Post boxes are checked weekly.
An independent inspectorate which reports to the government on conditions for and treatment of those in prison, young offender institutions and immigration detention facilities. Working with Ministry of Justice.
Beyond Detention staff can email concerns to them which will be added to their evidence files for when they do inspections. Contact our office for advice.
Health Care
Beyond Detention staff can email health care directly with any concerns over treatment or appointments after someone has tried to self advocate for this. If health care can’t provide appropriate treatment, then we can see if the person’s solicitor can inform the home office of this/push for their release as detention would not suitable.
If it needs taking further, we can encourage people to use the NHS complaints procedure - Medical Justice have some great guidance on this:
Serco's Welfare Office* is next to library and opposite salon
*Appointments are preferable
Help in arranging health care & legal appointments, issues with documents and possessions and may be in touch with solicitors and probation if necessary.
Open door policy. Offers head scarves, bibles and religious books in multiple languages, arranges religious services and is always happy to sit and have a chat over a cup of tea.
Support for anyone suffering with suicidal thoughts and feelings and any other mental and emotional distress.
Give advice on all matters surrounding bail applications and process. They have a small team of legal advisors who are able to support people through bail.
If you can’t get through to their office, leave a message and the language you would like to be called back in, and they will respond.
Part of successful bail is having accommodation. For information on what the Home Office will provide, see BiD’s information sheet Information for detainees | Bail for Immigration Detainees (
Hibiscus Initiatives
- welfare, advice, advocacy
- reintegration assistance and practical and emotional support for people in detention and those released from immigration removal centres;
- community resettlement support for ex-offenders;
- identification of potential victims of trafficking and awareness-raising on the risks of being trafficked to the UK.
One to One counselling sessions, group therapy sessions, healthy sleep sessions, aromatherapy, mindfulness activities, massage chair.
Migrant Help
Migrant help have a helpful page here of advice on what to expect when claiming asylum and how to prepare for interviews. It assumes you are out in the community but still useful.
Right To Remain
The Right to Remain Toolkit is free to use, and it’s for people who want to learn more about the legal process, or a particular part of the legal process. Understanding the asylum and immigration system, and your own legal case, is very important. The information in this guide comes from experts – from people who are going through the legal process or have done in the past, from those helping them, from lawyers, from community groups.
A judicial review is a form of court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body. In asylum and immigration cases, that public body will usually be the Home Office. Please follow this link to understand more: Judicial reviews
Rule 35 reports are conducted by a doctor or nurse within health care at YW. They are supposed to recognise particularly vulnerable detainees and allow HO to decide if detention is appropriate. In reality only a small percentage of those with rule 35 reports are released but they are helpful to have to aid the intervention of other charities like Medical Justice.
OISC (Office of Immigration Services Commissioner) defines legal advice as:
'You are giving 'advice' to a client if you provide an opinion on a course of action or range of options a client might take based on the information provided to you.'
Beyond Detention cannot advise or help complete any applications or make any representations to the Home Office eg for bail or for extending a visa.
However we can help people understand letters from solicitors or words within certain documents eg rule 35s. We can also help with asylum support post detention through sign posting to relevant organisations.
To start with, you should tell your solicitor that you are not happy with their work. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you should complain to your legal representative in writing. They must respond to your complaint in writing within a certain time.
If you are not happy with their response, you can complain about them to either the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority (SRA), the Legal Ombudsman, or the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC):
- If your legal representative is a solicitor you can complain to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). You can contact them on 0370 606 2555. For more information check their website at
- You can also complain about your solicitor to the Legal Ombudsman on 0300 555 0333, Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:30pm. For more information check their website at
- The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) is in charge of regulating all immigration advisers who are not regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority or the Bar Council. You can contact them by telephone on 0345 000 0046 or check their website at
If you are a volunteer working with Beyond Detention, please refer to your AVID handbook, pages 130 to 133 for a more detailed understanding of what to expect from good legal advice.
Broadly, legal advisors should be available to respond to their clients in a reasonable time frame and their approach should be empathetic, sensitive and respectful.
They should advise the client on gathering useful evidence for their case; become reasonably informed about the political situation in the clients' home country; advise on immigration bail and regularly make bail applications if there is a chance of success; explain medical rights and seek immediate release of those deemed vulnerable by the HO who are detained; accompany clients to important interviews and help with preparation; discuss all options if applications are refused.
Visit Beyond Detention volunteers and staff at the drop-in sessions on Tuesdays for men 2 - 4pm, or Wednesdays for women 2 - 4pm. They will take details of your clothing needs. Alternatively call us on 0800 1301 992.
Call us or visit one of our drop-in sessions,.
£10 a month
Encourage to buy a bundle so lasts as long as possible. Bundle info for LYCA and Lebara up on wall by shop and in post room.
See websites for up to date information Recommended Bundles - Lycamobile,
Legal Aid is available to men and women in the centre depending on their situation. Speak to the officer in the library to book a visit to see a legal adviser. 30 minutes of free legal advice should be given regardless of whether that solicitor can then take on their case. Whether legal advice can be given or not depends on the person’s income and if their case has over 50% chance of succeeding.
There is a list in the library of which solicitors are in each week. BiD also publish a list which you can find here:
Women: Wednesday afternoons, 2pm to 4pm in The Haff rooms in Nightingale Unit for tea, games, craft and friendship, signposting and referrals.
Men: Tuesday afternoons, 2pm to 4pm in the room opposite the Welfare office. Games, conversation, signposting and referrals.
ASAP updating document on COVID, HO decisions around grants and accommodation, plus flights schedule and impact on Section 4.
ASIRT is a not-for-profit OISC regulated advocacy organisation which provides legal support and representation to asylum seekers and other undocumented migrants in the West Midlands.
We can help with:
- Human rights applications (including help with fee waivers)
- Applications for recourse to public funds
- ‘Zambrano’ applications
- Fresh asylum claims
- Applications for local authority Children Act/Care Act assessments
- Training around migrants’ health and social care rights for local professionals.
Asylos provides services free of charge to lawyers and caseworkers around the world assisting asylum seekers through their legal procedures. We produce case-based and broader country-of-origin information (COI) research reports which lawyers and caseworkers can use to support a variety of protection-based claims in court. Our reports can be used to inform your argument, or submit in whole or in part to a tribunal or appeals committee.
Kings Arms Project
No Recourse Accommodation Referrals,
King’s Arms Project, King’s House, 245 Ampthill Road, Bedford, MK42 9AZ.
(01234) 350900
Referral sheet in this pack and on our website Volunteer Resources.
Or in this link:
For EEA nationals with no access to public funds, who have a right to work in the UK and failed asylum seekers with no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
Referral form in pack, NRA – Applicant referral form
SMART centres
Bedford: Tel: 01234 866044 or
01234 718219
The SMART Prebend Centre provides facilities, support and guidance to relieve rough sleeping and to prevent further homelessness.
Housing solicitors in the central England area who are specialist in accommodation issues
Bhatia Best in Nottingham
12 Carrington Street, Nottingham, NG1 7FF
0333 016 3333
Child, housing and family law
Bedford Council
01234 718058
Customer Service Centre
2 Horne Lane
MK40 1SJ
If someone is released destitute, they need to present themselves physically at the local council (of wherever they are) to the Customer Service Centre and they should be able to provide them with emergency accommodation.
Asylum Crisis
Phone: 0207 952 1599
If you are an asylum seeker in London and you need accommodation or support or your support has been refused or terminated, this service can help you.
Praxis run a housing project for families and single women with wrap around care.
Homeless Link
020 7620 1504
Single homeless people aged 25+ with low support needs, particularly those who have been sleeping rough and have no recourse to public funds. No local connection required.
LRMN – Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network
341 Evelyn Street, London SE8 5QX
Phone: 020 8694 0323
Our experienced advisers support those most vulnerable in accessing housing, regularising their immigration status, accessing employment and mental health support. We also campaign to ensure that the voices of these communities are heard and their rights upheld. We produce research and work in partnership with other organisations to affect change.
Work across London, though focus on South London
Asylum Crisis
Use this form to contact the Asylum Crisis Manchester service
BOAZ Trust
0161 202 1056
If you are an asylum seeker in Manchester and you need accommodation or support or your support has been refused or terminated, these services can help you.
The No Accommodation Network
NACCOM is committed to bringing an end to destitution amongst asylum seekers, refugees and migrants with no recourse to public funds living in the UK. On this page of their website you will find an option to select the current status of the person you are wanting to help – once selected this will take you to a list of charities and organisations nationally who offer accommodation and/or support.
ASAP Project
T: 020 3716 0283 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2-4pm
Free high quality legal representation and advice to asylum seekers and refused asylum seekers who have been refused accommodation and /or subsistence.
If you would like to refer a female client who has an appeal at the asylum support tribunal, please click here.
If you have questions about supporting a female asylum seeker or refused asylum seeker around asylum support, please ring our Advice Line.
Forms too appeal a HO decision around asylum support:
Link to ASAP training on Section 4 Eligibility:
Second City Housing
Tel: 0121 448 5355 / 07383 265 331
They offer supported accommodation to people with status - they will apply for benefits for them including housing benefits so their rent is paid – the individual will have to contribute around £10 a week but this includes all bills. Can support those escaping domestic violence, those recovering from drug and alcohol abuse.
Room for Refugees
Accommodation through referral or self referral within a volunteers home for varying amounts of time.
Need to find a case worker for continued support eg someone from SOAS or British Red Cross Luton.
Based in Glasgow
0141 353 2220.
Anyone seeking refuge, asylum or leave to remain in this country is eligible. The important point is that they are destitute or homeless without any alternative accommodation and are actively engaged in finding a resolution to their homelessness situation and/or legal case. Caseworkers should be confident that their clients can live peaceably as temporary guests in someone else’s home, contribute to the household by helping with simple chores, meals and according to their host’s house rules
We cannot support: Anyone who has a background of criminality or violence, severe mental health problems, or who abuses drugs or alcohol or any other substance, or who poses a potential risk to the host will probably not be suitable.
Sanctuary Hosting
Call them on 07818 555986
Sanctuary Hosting matches homeless refugees, people seeking asylum and vulnerable migrants to people in the community with spare rooms and open hearts, to stay rent free for an agreed period of time. We have homes throughout The Thames Valley in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire. Conditions same as Room for Refugees above.
Project 17
Individuals: call us on 07963 509044 to discuss your circumstances
Professionals: call us on 07701 330 016 to discuss your client's case
Project 17 works to end destitution among migrant children. We work with families experiencing exceptional poverty to improve their access to local authority support.
We provide advice, advocacy and support for individuals. We build capacity in other organisations and we campaign for the improved implementation of statutory support.
Call Scott on 07983 477819.
The Catholic Worker Farm and Mary House provide accommodation, food, English lessons, counselling and other services for 19 destitute (without access to public funds) female asylum seekers (who we call our ‘sisters’) and their children, at no charge. All of the women are street homeless, and are referred to the CW Farm by refugee services/agencies. The CW Farm /Mary House meets the physical needs in relation to shelter, food and clothing, but just as importantly enables the guests to live in a supportive and loving environment.
Refugee Action CARE Project
Phone: 0121 201 3090
This service is for people in Birmingham who have lost their support or accommodation and are homeless or at risk of homelessness because their asylum claim has been refused.
Offers immigration and asylum advice to asylum seekers and refugees in Bradford
A self help group run by women affected by immigration issues.
The main aim of Article 26 is to promote access to Higher Education for people who have fled persecution and sought asylum in the UK. They provide guidance and information on burseries available.
If an Aspen card is lost or swallowed by a machine, please email this address.
They are pretty responsive at getting cards sent out, and requesting that the housing manager goes round with vouchers (which are deducted from the Aspen card amount either at the time or later)
A legal firm that have a charitable arm providing free legal advice to those eligible for legal aid. Email name, nationality and mobile number for an appointment on Fridays between 10am and 1pm, either in person in London or via the phone if there is capacity.
Notre Dame Refugee Centre have five part-time staff members and a team of 40 volunteers.
Four advice workers are Office of the Immigration Services Commission (OISC) qualified – with three holding OISC Level 3.
They offer emotional and practical support to people who often find doors closed to them elsewhere.
We run an Asylum Guides service in Liverpool. We can help people to understand the asylum system and the local support network as well as arrange any support he may need in Merseyside.
07595191571 - English (coordinator)
07929769382- Arabic, French
07929769384 - Farsi, Azeri, Turkish
07929769383 - English, Swahili, Kikuyu
We can arrange to speak in any other language, too.
Casework, immigration advice (OISC level 1), meals, clothing, ESOL.
Casework, immigration advice (OISC level 1), meals, clothing, ESOL.
The guide explains how bank accounts work in the UK, the documents that banks require applicants to provide, how to make an application for a new account and tips for avoiding financial scams. The guide is available in English, Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish, Pashto and Tigrinya.
You can find out more and access the guide here.
Baobab advocates give confidential advice and assistance to women on immigration, health, financial and housing issues. As well as information on other projects and services, colleges and support groups. We focus on undocumented and asylum seeking women, and help newly granted refugees and settled women access established community services. We prioritise women who have been affected by gender violence and trafficking
Name change on April 1st 2021
Integrated service of holistic support from counselling, to eco-therapy to legal advice (OISC 1).
Name change on April 1st 2021
Integrated service of holistic support from counselling, to eco-therapy to legal advice (OISC 1).
Beyond Detention are able to provide a removal grant of £40 to those we are in contact with in Yarl’s Wood to help them with basics when they arrive in the country they are being returned too.
There is a network trying to put people deported from the UK to Europe in touch with groups that can provide post-deportation support. This was set up in response to the recent UK government efforts to expedite removals particularly of asylum seekers crossing by small boat from Europe. If you are working with anyone who is due to be deported then please email It's great if you can provide at least the city or airport where someone is due to be deported to (and ideally flight details). It may be possible to arrange for someone to meet them at the airport (this has worked before in some cases).
You’ll get a biometric residence permit (BRP) if you:
- apply to come to the UK for longer than 6 months
- extend your visa to longer than 6 months
- apply to settle in the UK
- transfer your visa to a new passport
- apply for certain Home Office travel documents
You do not have to apply separately for a BRP. You’ll get one automatically if your visa or immigration application is approved, or you’re replacing an older document.
One of the following email addresses can be used to follow up a BRP card being issued, depending on the client’s circumstances:
Further Submissions Unit : or if they are a failed asylum seeker who was granted status after submitting a fresh claim
Allowed appeals unit: if they are an asylum seeker who has been granted Refugee Status after being successful at the appeal stage
Asylum team at Lunar House: or if they are an asylum seeker who has been granted refugee status after their first asylum claim
For cards issued for 4.5 years instead of 5 years – there is an issue related to Brexit and EU rules, please see link. Right to remain is not affected and they have a right to apply for a new correct card mid 2024.
A useful list of groups offering support in Birmingham
Food parcels, clothing, basic necessities, orientation, registering with a GP, travel vouchers.
Our international family tracing service may be able to help you:
- find your missing family
- send a message to your family (but not money or packages)
- get a certificate of detention for people who have been imprisoned
This is a free and confidential service to help families reconnect. We won’t pass on your information to anyone else without your permission.
You can search for your nearest international family tracing service to make an appointment.
In the appointment we’ll ask questions about your relative and where you think they might be. We’ll also help you to fill out a form.
We can provide an interpreter for your appointment if you can’t speak English.
It is likely there will be reduced capacity or ability for other Red Cross/ Crescent Societies to respond to tracing enquiries due to global coronavirus restrictions. These will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
We can’t promise to find your relative, but we’ll contact our colleagues in that country and let you know as soon as we get any news.
You can also check if your family are looking for you and add your photo to our Trace the Face website.
If you are a refugee, we may also be able to help you reunite with your family in the UK.
A life line to academics at risk, support to lecturers or researchers and thier families who have had to flee thier country because of persecution.
High quality information and advocacy services, tailored to the specific needs of refugees and asylum seekers, to ensure people understand and can access their rights and entitlements. Learning opportunities eg ESOL, skills development and community building.
We offer free legal advice on immigration status cases.
If you live in London and cannot afford to pay for legal advice on immigration, asylum and nationality law, we may be able to help. CHC Immigration leaflet 2019
We can provide free accredited immigration advice and representation. We can also represent clients at appeals and judicial review if this is needed.
At the moment we are having to offer a reduced service in line with government advice on COVID-19. We are therefore prioritising the following types of case:
- *Where people need to renew their leave to remain
- *For people who have no recourse to public funds and need a change to the conditions of their leave so that they are eligible to claim benefits.
Cases include applications based on:
- Asylum
- EEA (European cases)
- Family and private life
- Long stay in the UK Helen Bransfield Director of asylum services Idris Gobir AASC Service Delivery Manager Resettlement, Asylum Support and Integration Lawrence Williams Service Delivery Manager Asylum Accommodation & Support Contracts (AASC) Wales & South of England
The Home Office have set up a new escalation route. This is for advice organisations (rather than service users) and can be used where an issue is urgent and the organisation has already tried the existing escalation routes ( or ) without getting a response/ resolving the issue. See the Home Office’s update below:
From the 1st of November 2021 there will be a new generic inbox that will be trialled for a 4 week period, reviewed, and then feedback given at the NASF meeting in December. This can be used as an escalation route for the wider network & so therefore shared with ASAN members. Please note It is not for customers to use directly.
Before emailing any escalations to the new inbox, all the usual escalation avenues need to be exhausted as this is for urgent escalations only and not for general enquires. It will be managed by senior managers.
- Escalations - (Anything that is related to the advice line)
- (Related to applications sent to AS correspondence directly from clients/third parties)
- Move On - (To be used by third party agencies, Migrant Help’s positive move on partners or Migrant Help colleagues to escalate an urgent issue with positive move on).
- Outreach – (To be used by third party agencies or Migrant Help colleagues to request outreach, for outreach enquiries, for commissioning outreach enquiries and for any other issues or queries relating to outreach).
If urgent enquiries related to the first two bullet points are unresolved they should then come to the inbox: “
Would you please let Marie-Anne ( and Kat Lorenz (, know any feedback on this new escalation route, both positive and negative? They’ll collate it in advance of the Home Office stakeholder meeting in December. They’re hoping they will agree to keep this new email address open, so that there’s a way of contacting the HO directly urgently if needed, where existing routes haven’t worked. The Home Office may check that the other routes have been used first, so it would be helpful to mention the date/time you emailed the other addresses, and the response (or that there wasn’t a response) when you email the new G7 address.
Guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications.
It may be useful to understand what the government considers to be the state of affairs in particular countries and for the person who is seeking asylum/right to remain to be able to draft their case knowing this information. This website gives country policies and guidance notes on different areas from domestic violence to gender issues and the home office stance in relation to immigration.
Revive work in partnership with food banks in Salford to provide food parcels to destitute asylum seekers and those with No Recourse to Public Funds.
OISC level 3 trained for asylum advice aimed at those with no access to legal aid, there is a referral form on their website:
They run an integration and empowerment programme with all sorts of groups from employment to women to allotment groups.
A really useful document containing information on how COVID is affecting asylum seekers and who to contact to try and protect their basic rights. Compiled by Student Action for Refugees – a live document that will be updated.
- Asylum Casework (OISC Level 2)
- Welfare Support
- Asylum Guides
DevicesDotNow | Online Centres Network
We're proud to be working with FutureDotNow on their exciting new initiative DevicesDotNow. The new initiative will target the 1.9 million households who don’t have access to the internet and are digitally excluded as we face a socially distanced world gripped by COVID-19.
Free digital courses to learn digital skills to stay safe and connected.
Doctors of the world run clinic and advocacy programmes in London providing medical care, information and practical support to destitute migrants and those of no fixed address.
If you’re having problems getting healthcare thier team can give you free and confidential support – whatever your immigration status and where you live in the UK.
They also run drop-ins for various groups – see their website:
Solace Advice helpline - 0808 802 5565
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm. Additional 6pm - 8pm on Tuesdays. Email:
Solace Women’s Aid work to prevent violence and abuse as well as providing services to meet the needs of survivors particularly women and girls. Solace provides safe refuge and move on accommodation to hundreds of women and children made homeless through domestic or sexual abuse. Telephone and face-to-face support is available in a range of languages through language line and interpreters. They also offer support if you are experiencing abuse and also have insecure immigration status or No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF).
Women’s Trust
Tel: 0207 034 0303 Email:
One to One counselling support for survivors of domestic abuse, course of 18 sessions. Only in West and East London.
Peer support groups available in other boroughs, call to find out if available.
020 8558 1986 |
Refuge, advice, outreach and support for Asian women and their children who are survivors of domestic abuse.
Home | Women and Girls Network ( A free service run by women for women in London who have been affected by all forms of violence and abuse. For advise and support please call 0808 801 0660
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247
For immediate emergency support to create safe path ways to escape domestic abuse
Women’s Aid
Find local refuges and support around the country. Survivors forum and live chat for survivors of domestic abuse. Handbook of advice and information.
Services for black and minoritised women
Signposting to specialist support for BME women survivors of domestic violence, including Latin American, Kurdish and Asian. Advocacy, research, training and consultancy.
ASAP fact sheet on supporting victims of DA
Fact sheet on how to support women who are victims of domestic abuse here in the UK if they are asylum seekers or failed asylum seekers.
Home | Women and Girls Network ( A free service run by women for women in London who have been affected by all forms of violence and abuse. For advise and support please call 0808 801 0660
To make a Subject Access Request to the Home Office: you apply directly to Migrant Help, they will refuse and direct you to make a Home Office SAR.
When requesting, specify and highlight that you need the Migrant Help file as well. Unfortunately, they often pay no attention to what you’ve specified and you have to wait for the Home Office file and then ask again for the complete file including the Migrant Help file. The email for the SARU at the Home Office is
You can submit SARs to housing providers directly and they are normally responded to
Check if you have an exemption from paying NHS costs - NHSBSA
You can use this link to see if you have an exemption to NHS prescription and dental costs. Once you enter a few details, you can use the final page as proof of exemption in the absence of an HC2.
A leading African women’s support organisation that campaigns against discriminatory practices against girls and women in Africa, Europe and in the UK which affect their dignity and wellbeing with specific focus on female genital mutilation (FGMS), child marriage and obstetric fistula.
Freedom from Torture help empower survivors and rebuild lives. They provide therapy and support and campaign on detention and asylum rights. You can refer people to their service for therapy using their referral form.
referral form for survivors of torture
For enquiries regarding our referral process, please contact:
Freedom from Torture London* Tel: 0207 697 7777 Email:
Freedom from Torture North East Tel: 0191 261 5825 Email:
Freedom from Torture North West Tel: 0161 236 5744 Email:
Freedom from Torture Scotland Tel: 0141 420 3161 Email:
Freedom from Torture West Midlands Tel: 0121 314 6825 Email:
*Please refer enquiries to our London centre if you are making a referral from Wales, the South West, East Midlands, East of England and Yorkshire & Humberside.
Please contact the office for this as the request has to come from our charity. Very simple form to fill in. Applications reviews monthly.
The Fund for Human Need (FHN) is a small Methodist-affiliated charity established to relieve poverty and hunger. Emergency payments are made, irrespective of faith, ethnic origin or social group, to individuals in the UK, most of whom are refugees, asylum seekers or homeless, and to those in other kinds of personal distress.
The Fund makes about 60-100 one-off emergency relief payments each month to individuals, usually to a maximum of £120. Priority is given to those who are destitute or have no income or benefits, to those who are particularly vulnerable, and to those where a small amount of money will make a major difference.
A summary on the government website explaining the process of claiming asylum. Including IPQs (Preliminary Information Questionnaire) and links of how to see if you are eligible to legal aid.
To find a legal aid solicitor in your area, enter your post code and select immigration & asylum.
Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU) exists to advise, support, represent and campaign with people subject to immigration control.
Our aim is to ensure access to justice for survivors of torture, trafficking, human rights abuse and conflict, as well as divided families and others who are in need and affected by immigration controls.
HARP are leading on support in the hotels that are hosting asylum seekers and refugees in Leeds. Contact Fleur or Corinne.
Accounts for people with no fixed address or photo ID and survivors of human trafficking and modern day slavery.
HSBC UK provides support for survivors of human traffickinga
- Immigration
- Homelessness and insecure housing, including destitution cases with “no recourse to public funds” (NRPF)
- Poverty relief, including food bank vouchers and small grants
- Health advocacy, for help with access to NHS services, GP registration and problems with NHS charges.
- Immigration
- Homelessness and insecure housing, including destitution cases with “no recourse to public funds” (NRPF)
- Poverty relief, including food bank vouchers and small grants
- Health advocacy, for help with access to NHS services, GP registration and problems with NHS charges.
A community of support for women who have fled from violence or traffickers, and are pregnant or with a young child and are seeking international protection in the UK.
Courses on ESOL, baby care, massage, yoga, peri-natal specialist care and lots more.
Download and printout the cards for people to take to their nearest GP. Makes clear that they don’t need ID, proof of address or immigration status.
People can self-refer or we can make a referral for them. This is done online. They don’t accept referrals from within detention, so it would need to be done as soon as they leave.
They consider referrals of men and women who:
1. Are over 18 years old
2. Are living in London*
3. Have experienced direct extreme human cruelty including torture, human trafficking and other forms of interpersonal violence
4. Have ongoing legal protection needs (i.e. do not yet have legal status in the UK)
5. Have primary mental health needs relating to their history of trauma
Specialist legal advice for those from Europe seeking to remain in the UK.
They work to alleviate hardship and remove obstacles to young refugees and asylum-seekers’ education and well-being through financial and mentoring support. They support young people up to the age of 30 access education up to university degree level.
The Asylum Crisis service client contact number is 0161 831 5449, and is open Mon-Thurs 9:30am-1pm. If the line is busy or if you call outside of these hours, there is the facility to leave a message which will be responded to promptly. You can also email or else there is an inquiry form on our website. Offers advice for asylum seekers in the Manchester area.
The Asylum Crisis service client contact number is 0161 831 5449, and is open Mon-Thurs 9:30am-1pm. If the line is busy or if you call outside of these hours, there is the facility to leave a message which will be responded to promptly. You can also email or else there is an inquiry form on our website. Offers advice for asylum seekers in the Manchester area.
The public law team of certain solicitors may be able to issue a judicial review to challenge a Home Office decision to house someone in particular, sub standard accommodation.
For London the public law team at the Islington Law Centre has been recommended
Peer support meeting for ex-detainees. Legal liaison work, day centre for food and signposting, limited accommodation offers but only directly through attending their centre. Travel funds and toiletry packs.
http://Our helplines | Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (
If you are in the UK without status and need legal advice, call our helpline on 020 7553 7470. It is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 1pm. The helpline is confidential and advice is free. Calls cost up to 13p per minute from landlines, 3p to 55p from mobiles.
Kalayaan works with migrant domestic workers in the UK to improve and to help them access their rights. Kalayaan is regulated by the OISC to give immigration advice to level 3 and can deal with most basic issues. When needed they refer on to suitable solicitors where possible. Advice is by appointment only.
Sessions are available Monday – Friday and select Sundays.
They are a First Responder meaning that with informed consent they can refer workers who they identify as having being trafficked into the National Referral Mechanism for identifying victims of trafficking (NRM).
They have a social area for meeting friends & tea/coffee open 10-5 Mon to Fri
Various forms of support from theraputic to legal advice for Fillipino, East and South East Asian Migrants
LASSN provide destitute asylum seekers with the emergency financial support, befriending, advice and accommodation with local hosts to survive over the winter months.
The LawWorks Clinics Network provides free initial advice to individuals on various areas of social welfare law including employment law, housing matters, consumer disputes, debt and welfare rights.
The clinics are for people who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford to pay for a lawyer.
For an initial consultation with a solicitor please click here to find your local clinic.
Online courses on computer literacy and in the section ‘Resources for Digital Champions’ links to online Maths and English courses.
In 2018 the government made significant changes to the law regarding immigration bail and detention that may affect whether someone has the right to study. Please read the link to understand more. Their bail 201 document will state whether there is a no study condition. Please check this before offering study options.
A curated collection of free resources to help people improve their digital skills and progress in their careers.
Provides free independent advice and guidance to asylum seekers across the UK, including support in filling out applications for section 95 and section 4 accommodation support. You can also raise complaints on their website about accommodation, payments or the Home Office.
If you need to escalate issues:
If moving from NASS accommodation to subs only support, fill in this form and wait for permission:
For applications, supporting documents, support termination requests and further information responses relating to S95applications.
For S4 applications, schedule 10 applications, supporting documents, support termination requests, further information responses and S4booking forms relating to S4 applications.
For Change of Circumstance applications, supporting documents, further information relating to change of circumstances.
To request proof of support from the Home Office.
To request a copy of an asylum support decision letter from the Home Office
For any requested evidence for S98 applications.
For completed consent forms.
This is the new contact info from HO safeguarding:
· We are experiencing high volumes of referrals and will process your enquiry as quickly as possible. If you have not received a reply to your email and the matter is urgent then please contact us on 0300072 4566.
· If your enquiry is regarding an Asylum Support matter (e.g. subsistence, accommodation requests, enquiries, etc.) then please redirect your referral to Migrant Help at or phone them on Tele no. 0808 8010 503. Migrant Help will gather all the relevant information and forward it on to the Asylum Support Teams that are responsible for making the decision on these referrals. Please note that no other teams have authority on Asylum Support matters. If you feel that the request has not been dealt with in a timely manner then please escalate this with Migrant Help at or by calling Tele no. 08088010 503.
· If your enquiry is regarding an accommodation complaint that you have raised with the housing provider and given them suitable time to resolve, however you are not satisfied with the response then please redirect your email to Migrant Help at Migrant Help’s process is to respond within 24 hours detailing how the complaint will be dealt with. If the Customer is later not satisfied with the response then please ask Migrant Help to escalate the complaint to UK Visas Complaints Team.
· Our remit is to process safeguard enquiries for Asylum Seekers, if your enquiry is about a non-Asylum Customer and you require an immigration status check as part of your statutory requirements (e.g. NHS, Police, Social Work etc.) then please redirect your email to our status verification, enquiries and checking inbox at
· If you are an advocate for a Customer, please note that for data protection reasons we require a signed mandate from the Customer authorising us to share information with you. If there is no signed mandate we cannot discuss the case with you, however we will look into your enquiry.
· Our office hours are 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.
PowerPoint Presentation ( Excellent summary of what to expect from an immigration lawyer and how to prepare for the first meeting with them.
An excellent map which gives details of asylum support services across the country.
A guide for migrants to understand thier rights and how to assert them.
Occasionally an applicant applies for asylum support as part of a couple, where the other person in the couple is already receiving social security benefit. Typically, this might arise when an asylum-seeker and any dependant on their asylum claim arrives in the UK to join a member of their family, usually their spouse, who is already present in the UK with leave to remain, where the spouse is in receipt of benefits. A household such as this is known for asylum support purposes as ‘a mixed household’.
It can be challenging how to calculate whether an asylum applicant in a mixed household should be treated as destitute, and if so, what amount of asylum support they will be entitled to. This is because the Home Office guidance on mixed households is not easy to follow.
ASAP has produced a briefing note that is intended to help advisers determine these questions. It is available here:
We hope that it will be useful in mixed household cases.
A really useful page of resources for COVID including advice on the best data deals out there.
Getting a bank account can be really tricky for an asylum seeker as they don’t necessarily have the documents required. One of our Befrienders found that Nationwide were very helpful in this regard.
If you don’t possess a current passport or driving licence you can use two forms of ID from professional people; doctor, solicitor, social worker, please ask the YWB coordinator for the document with details of what the bank will accept. Please see the ARC card section on this document for name ID. Apply online for a Flex Basic Account, then you will need to hand deliver the letters to a local branch of Nationwide as they will need to verify who you are. You are only able to apply online for an account but they will be happy to support you in your online application.
Open Door (North East) is a Christian charity serving asylum seekers and refugees in the Tees Valley, County Durham and North Yorkshire. We provide a range of services supporting the wellbeing, livelihoods and integration of those seeking sanctuary in the UK.
Explaining the UK asylum system
We help you to understand the long and complicated system so you can make informed choices.
Finding legal representation
Find a solicitor to help you present a fresh claim for asylum to the Home Office.
Accessing asylum support
We can help you apply for support and challenge refusals
Explaining the UK asylum system
We help you to understand the long and complicated system so you can make informed choices.
Finding legal representation
Find a solicitor to help you present a fresh claim for asylum to the Home Office.
Accessing asylum support
We can help you apply for support and challenge refusals
Leading experts in finding pathways out of destitution and supporting migrants facing homelessness, as well as survivors of trafficking and domestic violence, young people, EU citizens and long term residents struggling to find the support they need.
Immigration support at OISC level 2, employing a mixture of OISC advisers and solicitors. We also provide support with housing, homelessness, benefits, health, and welfare.
Project for the registration of children as British citizens.
Provide pro bono legal advice and casework for young persons
Weekly advice line and referral form
A toolkit designed to support you in advocating for people facing charges for NHS care, and in taking action to end immigration checks and upfront charging in the NHS.
If a phone has been taken by immigration on arrival into the UK, this is the email address to ask for it back
Project 17 works to end destitution among migrant children. We work with families experiencing exceptional poverty to improve their access to local authority support.
We provide advice, advocacy and support for individuals. We build capacity in other organisations and we campaign for the improved implementation of statutory support.
Individuals: call us on 07963 509044 to discuss your circumstances
Professionals: call us on 07701 330 016 to discuss your client's case
Refugee and Asylum Participatory Action Research (RAPAR) Volunteer based casework working with asylum seekers to address issues such as deportation, housing, destitution, education and financial hardships. Run campaigns, do casework, research and community development. They aim to be open 12 to 5pm everyday.
If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker living in Birmingham, Solihull or Smethwick for LESS THAN 2 YEARS and would like to learn more about Restore’s activities – befriending or social activities – and get involved, please contact us.
Run by Kaleidoscope, the charity that facilitate Well-Being in the centre. The service researches therapeutic support available in the community across the country for people post-release from Yarl’s Wood for on-going support and helps connect people up with that support.
RefuNet provides online 1-1 volunteer teachers for refugees and asylum seekers - either English for adults or help with schoolwork for kids.
Help chasing up forms that allow asylum seekers and migrants to access free health care and treatment. Helping people understand their rights in terms of health care in the UK according to their status.
Therapeutic support for all genders and ages available across the country. See link for which areas they cover.
One to one counselling support with a clinical psychologist for women who have suffered trauma. Face to face if in London, over the phone elsewhere in the country.
An ARC card is a form of ID that anyone who is the asylum process, whether first claim or appealing should have been sent by the home office within 3 days of the first screening. It is a useful photo ID as it can be used to get a bank account, GP etc
Please follow the link to see how to chase the Home Office if an ARC card hasn’t been received. You can either call the home office team who did the first screening, phone number on the bail 201 form, or fill out the very simple arc enquiry form within the link.
If the wrong information is on the card, there is no option online to challenge it, so may be helpful to highlight the right to rectification under Art 16 GDPR
Perhaps consider a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office? They do have teeth and can compel Home Office to amend info if need be
Offering food vouchers and in some cases money transfers to the value of £15 Email Titi and she can send a referral form.
OISC level 3 trained for asylum advice aimed at those with no access to legal aid, there is a referral form on their website:
They run an integration and empowerment programme with all sorts of groups from employment to women to allotment groups.
Here is a short video on the UK’s complex immigration and asylum system in English, Farsi, Arabic, French and Spanish. Please follow the links to the Tool Kit and actions you can take in support of your claim. Information on every stage of the asylum process, a really useful read to inform and understand this complex system.
Important information on the PIQ form and who should ideally be filling it in.
Here is a short video on the UK’s complex immigration and asylum system in English, Farsi, Arabic, French and Spanish. Please follow the links to the Tool Kit and actions you can take in support of your claim. Information on every stage of the asylum process, a really useful read to inform and understand this complex system.
Helping women through the law.
3 Immigration advice lines for women:
1) for EU settlement: Call: 020 7118 0267
Tuesdays 11am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm
Wednesdays 11am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm
2) Immigration and asylum advice: Call: 020 7490 7689
Mondays 10am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm
Thursdays 10am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm
3) Non-legal professionals supporting vulnerable women:
Call: 020 8138 8028
Fridays fortnightly – see website
There is a network trying to put people deported from the UK to Europe in touch with groups that can provide post-deportation support. This was set up in response to the recent UK government efforts to expedite removals particularly of asylum seekers crossing by small boat from Europe (so most I guess will be Dublin cases). If you are working with anyone who is due to be deported then please email It's great if you can provide at least the city or airport where someone is due to be deported to (and ideally flight details). It may be possible to arrange for someone to meet them at the airport (this has worked before in some cases).
At the heart of our work lies the cultivation of a healing community through which people can overcome the legacy of trauma. This sits alongside an integrated programme of therapeutic and casework assistance. We work at depth and intensity over the long-term to support each individual in their journey towards healing and to help them to integrate into the UK.
The community garden is in Islington, North London.
STAR is a national charity of 34,000 students, made up for 50 groups at universities and colleges cross the UK welcoming refugees to the UK.
This link to their website provides information about courses and grants for further education available to asylum seekers and refugees.
A food bank and kitchen with advice surgeries for those who access the food bank, employment support and a community garden.
We are registered with them and can issue food vouchers. Please contact staff for details.
The Community Champion Programme is a peer support group for ex-detainees, run by ex-detainees who train to become community champions and support each other within their communities.
Fortnightly meetings designed to raise awareness and support each other through establishing stronger local links with the communities.
As well as hosting weekly support sessions for ex-detainees, they can also provide small amounts of money (£25) for travel costs – covering medical appointments, reporting to HO and more. Also, phone credit/data. Located in Dover but support people across the country.
Solidaritech help Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Yorkshire get access to technology. We work with businesses and individuals to help them donate tech – whether it be laptops, desktops, tablets or smartphones. We then wipe the machines, repair any problems and allocate these out to migrants to enable them to pursue their studies, start businesses or convert their existing qualifications to UK standards.
Drop-in groups, counselling and women’s groups in Wandsworth and Lambeth.
Weekly Drop Ins take place in Lambeth and in Wandsworth and provide advice on issues including immigration (OISC Level 2), housing, welfare benefits, health, education. training and employment.
All are welcome to socialise, learn English, help out as a volunteers and enjoy a hot lunch.
Drop-in groups, counselling and women’s groups in Wandsworth and Lambeth.
Weekly Drop Ins take place in Lambeth and in Wandsworth and provide advice on issues including immigration (OISC Level 2), housing, welfare benefits, health, education. training and employment.
All are welcome to socialise, learn English, help out as a volunteers and enjoy a hot lunch.
The Home Office has set up a coronavirus helpline:
Your email must be in English.
We aim to reply to your email within 5 working days.
You can also call the Help centre . If you’ve emailed the help centre already, please do not contact them by phone.
This seems to be intended for queries specifically about the concessions discussed above. The Home Office emphasises that “if your query doesn’t relate to immigration provisions associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) please contact the general immigration helpline on 0300 123 2241″
Solace and Southall Black Sisters launched a new Covid-19 Crisis Project in May. The project offers safe crisis accommodation with specialist support to women and children fleeing domestic abuse and other forms of violence against women and girls, across London during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The support is available for women with NRPF status.
The AIRE Centre (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe) is a specialist legal charity. We use the power of European law to protect the fundamental rights of EU citizens.
The AIRE Centre acts in cases concerning the expulsion of long term residents in stable relationships with partners and children in the UK; in fact these individuals are often deported without a fair trial. Many of these cases settle once they go to Strasbourg, having been strenuously fought in the national courts.
If you believe you are being illegally deported or are looking for advice on behalf of someone who has, call our advice line for free legal advice.
The Jack and Ada Beattie Foundation has launched a new fund called Tons of Help, for individuals in London and Birmingham struggling financially in light of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Tons of Help is a flat rate grant of £100 for individuals to help them with basic needs during lockdown. Find out more.
This Foundation offers no-strings cash grants to individuals for basic and essential needs:
To apply, individuals are asked to email:
Name; geographical location; a document with proof of address; a document with proof of bank account ownership; and a short summary of their circumstances.
No intrusive application form; no repayment needed.
Those who are not successful will be advised by email within two weeks. And those who are successful will receive payment within two weeks.
Publication that requests art work and creative writing from those with lived experience and pays for submissions that they publish.
Referral sheet in this pack and on our website Volunteer Resources.
Established in 1999 in response to a growing need for a specialist therapeutic service for refugees and asylum seekers which respected and worked with individuals’ linguistic and cultural needs. They offer individual, group, couple and family therapy based on an assessment of each individual’s needs.
Based in London. Send a postal referral using the form on their website. People can self-refer or we can refer them.
To find a legal aid solicitor, select immigration and changing countries as the legal issue, add the post code of where the person lives. You will be presented with a list of companies that do immigration law, but you can refine the search by selecting more search options, then you can tick the box for legal aid.
Together Now supports refugees living in the UK to reunite with family members they have been forced to leave behind whilst fleeing persecution. They also provide a useful document with the likely costs of a family reunion and what will need to be thought through.
ATLEU – a legal firm that provide legal aid immigration support and advice to those working with victims of trafficking and modern day slavery.
To refer someone please go to this page:
Referrals are reviewed on a Thursday. If the referral is very urgent please call 0207 700 7311.
Advice line for those working with victims, please email:
Advice to victims on their immigration status and assisting them to apply for asylum or other forms of lawful residence; securing appropriate and safe accommodation, financial support and treatment from local authorities, the Home Office or other statutory bodies; and obtaining compensation from their traffickers or the state
Cards in various languages in this pack and on our website Volunteer Resources.
Freephone: 08000 121 700
– the UK Modern Slavery Helpline. They make decisions on a case by case basis. Confidential.
08000 121 700
The Human Trafficking Foundation
Grew out of an all parliamentary group to shape policy, provide a collective voice and identify new opportunities for intervention in a rapidly evolving landscape
Excellent definition of terms and issues.
An excellent map showing services to support victims of trafficking around the country support-services
A fund of up to £200 available to support survivors of modern day slavery and trafficking where no other sources of funding are available:
After Exploitation
If you are part of our post detention project and are in need of food support, please contact our office and as a partner organisation we can generate food vouchers through the Trussell Trust food bank network.
A national network of food banks. YWB are a registered as an organisation that can generate vouchers for those we support.
Please contact YWB staff.
Students with Humanitarian Protection no longer have to meet the 3 year ordinary residence test and will be treated for student finance in the same way as refugees.
Central England Law have developed a toolkit to help people understand their new rights which is available on their website.
Health and asylum advice and support
The Vietnamese Mental Health Project was established in 1989, following a 2 year research (1987-89) on mental health problems amongst refugees from Vietnam resettled in London. Since then, the Project has developed to its present stage, employed 10 workers, providing services to people from Vietnam with mental health difficulties and their families living in the UK. From 1995 the Project has changed its name to Vietnamese Mental Health Services (VMHS).
A useful summary of who can receive free NHS treatment in the UK and the challenges that people face trying to navigate the system.
Example of how to apply for help with paying for treatment:
If the lady has a HC2 then she should not have to pay. She can ask Migrant Help to help request that the Sct 95 team ask the NHS for one to be sent to her. I know this has been an issue in hotels though. If she is on Sct 98 or Sct 4 she will need to apply for one online, it will take about 5 – 7 days to arrive (a tip when using the online application, keep saying she has no support until the bit where it asks what she is living on, then type in UKVI Sct ninety eight support and then it gives the option to say Aspen card or vouchers) The online is much much quicker than applying by paper application.